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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AMetar/TAF overlay questionsMetar/TAF overlay questions
New Post
6/30/2015 10:45 AM

I recently upgraded to v 9.0.28. With the Metar/TAF overlay turned on, and receiving wi fi, certain areas are shaded and there is a black line emanating from certain airports. I have made the assumption that the black line represents surface wind direction and velocity (at AWOS equipped apts?) but why the shading, some green and some blue? Did I miss where to find this info online?

BTW, via wi fi, the most recent Nexrad is about 25 minutes old. Does this improve when connected to ADS-B in flight?

Thanks, and what a great product!


New Post
6/30/2015 5:17 PM
Green - VFR
Blue - Marginal VFR
Red - IFR
Magenta - Low IFR

See Page 37 of the current manual (support/product manuals)

Sometimes you may see smaller and larger circles or a larger circle of one colour with a smaller circle of another colour inside it. The inner/smaller circles are METAR's, the outer circle is the TAF (It's interesting to see when actual weather is different than forecast).
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AMetar/TAF overlay questionsMetar/TAF overlay questions