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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsADS-B Discussio...ADS-B Discussio...seeing doublesseeing doubles
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9/14/2021 11:28 PM

You said, "In my experience 99.9% of all errors experienced with stratux are due to the stratux itself."  Well, guess what:  I have reported dozens and dozens of problems over the years.  I can't think of a single one that was traced back to the Stratux.  So I can make the claim, "In my experience, 0% of all errors experienced with Stratux are due to Stratux."

Perhaps the real number lies somewhere in the middle.

Regardless, I understand and respect your an extent. 

It's perfectly acceptable for AP to select the ADSB receivers they choose to retail based on the units performance.  It's also fair to share your personal experience with someone who is considering what ADSB receiver to buy.

But the iFly website lists Stratux as a supported ADSB receiver.  If it's supported, then that means that when a Stratux user reports a problem, then AP is going to consider that problem thoughtfully.  AP has the tools to determine whether that problem is in Stratux or in iFly, so there doesn't need to be a guessing game, and once the problem is isolated to Stratux, then you can put it back on the user to go solve that problem themselves.

Alternately, if you don't want to do that, then take Stratux off your list of supported devices.  Then when a Stratux user reports a problem, tell them, "Sorry, Charlie--we don't support Stratux."

But it is NOT fair to your customers to claim to support Stratux, and then dismiss them with an "oh well it's probably your Stratux screwing up" without even investigating.  You said " my goal is to have everyone delighted when using iFly, and when using anything we support." As long as Stratux is on your list of supported devices, then you need to strive toward your stated goal when they come to you with a problem.

New Post
9/22/2021 12:09 AM

I have never experienced "stratux doubles" in foreflight.  I don't know what they are doing differently but it just works. They must have found an elegant, not too complicated way to dedupe traffic when the same tail numbers are reported over two different channels (ADSB and UAT).

cheers. hope to see more frequent updates to iFly. I know you have the grandiose project in progress..but still.    

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