Mchigan Airport Diagrams - iFly Wish-List - iFly EFB

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-ListMchigan Airport DiagramsMchigan Airport Diagrams
New Post
2/16/2022 8:00 AM

There are additional airport diagrams that could be added to iFLY.,4533,...9156---,00.html

They are already organized into individual PDFs for each airport and it would be nice to have these added to iFly to supplement flight planning when the FAA doesn't publish diagrams for smaller airports.

I would suggest if there is a liability with adding State Government DOT diagrams, that they could be color coded with a border to identify them as non-FAA source data.

The State of Michigan publishes these once a year.  One of the diagrams is attached for quick reference.

New Post
2/16/2022 12:38 PM

Great idea, but ours are not PDFs, they're georeferenced data files.

I'll look into how we could feasibly georef something like this.

New Post
2/16/2022 1:24 PM

Thank you for the prompt reply.  Yes sorry I didn't think about the georeference component.  However simply having these as full screen "plates" would be a huge benefit to me even if they are not georeferenced overlays.  But programming that is probably harder to because I suppose you'd have to have two different classes of airport diagrams.  Hmm keep it simple! laugh 

Just so you know I did export one to a JPG so Michigan didn't do anything odd with the PDF.  So that part is pretty painless.   Georeferencing though might take a bit of work.

New Post
2/16/2022 8:27 PM

Eric S,

From the bottom of Page 54 in the iFly Maunal (such as it is), is a work-around for 740 iFly devices to display PDF files. Would be nice if it worked on all devices:

Setting up the PDF Viewer (iFly Devices Only)
1.With your iFly GPS powered off, eject the SD card and insert it card into your PC. If your PC does not have
an SD card reader, you can buy one from your local electronic shop.
2.  Create a new folder in the SD card and name it “PDF”.
3. Copy files with a “.pdf” extension into the new folder.
4. Return the SD card to the iFly GPS.
5. A new option to View PDF Files will now appear when you touch Menu.


New Post
2/17/2022 6:38 AM

I think that method (or a similar one) worked with the 720 as well.  Maybe even the 700.

Of course there are a jillion apps that can display PDFs on any Android or iOS device.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-ListMchigan Airport DiagramsMchigan Airport Diagrams