Louder voice warnings if possible, please - iFly Wish-List

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-ListLouder voice warnings if possible, pleaseLouder voice warnings if possible, please
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9/16/2016 7:05 PM


Today I used a male-male audio cord to go from my Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 tablet's headphone jack to my headset's music input jack so I could get aural warnings from the iFly GPS software. At first, the warnings were pretty faint (no way could I hear them with the engine running), so I finally figured out I had to increase both the master volume on the tablet (controlled by the volume rocker button) and the media volume, which is a separate sub-setting on the tablet. So music is now LOUD. But the warnings (like "Warning, terrain") are still not very loud.

As a comparison: if the music volume would be considered a 10 on a 1-10 scale, the voice warning from iFly is a 6 or 7.

Could that voice volume be increased somehow?


Powrachute PC 2000; Aventura II; Cherokee 180
New Post
9/16/2016 7:09 PM

BTW: music has nothing to do with my suggestion. I was just using it as an example. That is, if the music can be loud, then why can't the voice output from iFly be equally loud? Why is it quieter? (Because loud can be turned down. But quiet apparently can't be turned up any louder on my tablet.) Us older fogies with our hearing loss -- we need some help. And my plane is not exactly quiet, so I need iFly to "speak up".


Powrachute PC 2000; Aventura II; Cherokee 180
New Post
9/16/2016 7:34 PM

Hook, since you didn’t mention that you looked at the settings on the iFly, I’m going to assume that you didn’t look there.

On the iFly before it boots into the GPS, click on ‘Settings’ and at the very top is ‘System Volume’.

Hopefully that’s your problem.

Zodiac 601HDS N6402X aprs KF7WIR-1
New Post
9/16/2016 9:29 PM

"Hook, since you didn’t mention that you looked at the settings on the iFly, I’m going to assume that you didn’t look there."

According to his post, he's using the Android app on a Samsung tablet and plugging an audio cable between the tablet and his headset. I'm not aware of an iFly-specific volume control on the apps like we have on the iFly dedicated devices.

Jeff Nokomis Clark, Mooney M20G, iFly app on ASUS ZenPad Z8s, ASUS ZenFone AR, ASUS Windows 10 tablet, Stratux ADS-B w AHRS
New Post
9/17/2016 3:49 PM

I also suggest the choice of male/female voice (for those who are going to use this iFly feature), since some of us already have voice warnings from other boxes competing for our ears.

If iFly wanted to get real fancy, the it could offer an "in" tone before the voice message too. I wrote about this years ago in KITPLANES, when I shared my voice annunciator warning circuit for our Glasair. We play 3 quick "ding" sounds before a voice warning starts. Get's your attention if something else is going on or if you're talking.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-ListLouder voice warnings if possible, pleaseLouder voice warnings if possible, please