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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AStrange Vertical Grey BarsStrange Vertical Grey Bars
New Post
10/8/2012 7:12 PM

What are the vertical grey bars shown in the attached pictures? I've noticed them a few times, but this is the first time I've had a camera handy in the plane. They apear to change spacing over a period of about 10-15 seconds, and if I change heading, they will tend to expand if contracting, and contract if expanding.... They also show up horizontally with the same characteristics, although I only have photos of the vertical bars.....

New Post
10/9/2012 2:01 PM

Looks like Alien landing sites, or maybe the tractor beam from the USS Enterprise. Beam me up Scotty!!

New Post
10/10/2012 10:50 AM

Interesting. And the lines are clearly moving around as you pan/zoom. I've seen this before with a flight plan that wraps the world - tiny scale calculations become miles different and so the lines seem to randomly move around just like these are. I suspect if you were to do a lot of panning up or down you would eventually find the original source of the shape responsible for these. Do you have an ADSB device? I'd suspect the nexrad radar image that was download had some corrupt data. If so, after 5 minutes or so a new image would stream down and the lines would go away.


Walter Boyd
President, Adventure Pilot
New Post
10/10/2012 7:05 PM

I was not doing any pan or zoom. The lines increased/decreased spacing by them selves at a rate that appeared to change with heading. I could occasionally get them to pause, but they appeared to be very sensitive to heading changes at that point, and would eventually drift off of each side of the screen. I do have ADSB, but these changes were happening continuously -- not at a slower rate like an ADSB update. The phenomenon occurred several times throughout a 20 minute flight, and did not seem to go away...

New Post
10/13/2012 11:18 PM

Okay, I saw similar phantom lines during my flight from Houston to Dallas yesterday...but I saw them when I pulled up the airport diagram (while still enroute), and they weren't vertical. There were two lines, very close together, running from around the middle of the left side toward the upper left corner. They were moving pretty quickly, and within a few seconds had drifted off the top of the screen and I never saw them again. I think they were on the screen for a total of about 10-15 sec or so.

I did not see them (or at least I did not notice them!) in the sectional or weather mode views that I was switching between at the time.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AStrange Vertical Grey BarsStrange Vertical Grey Bars