IFly Battery Cable - Replacement - iFly Owners Q&A - iFly EFB

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AIFly Battery Cable - ReplacementIFly Battery Cable - Replacement
New Post
2/5/2016 10:03 PM
See https://www.iflygps.com/shop-t136/battery-cable-replacement.aspx

Two choices appear on the page

Select Cable Style:
USB to Pin (older style)
Pin to Pin (newer style)

Will the IFly 720 run using the USB to Pin cable hooked to a portable USB battery supply (5.2v)?

Aircraft Ferry Services, Jonesborough TN (IFly720/Air2/Tab3)
New Post
2/5/2016 10:10 PM

No, the earliest run of batteries used a USB port that was12v. As you can imagine, that is not good for a 5v cell phone or such. It was changed to the pin to pin. The iFly will not run on 5v. Hope this helps.

Shane Woodson
Vice President | Adventure Pilot LLC.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AIFly Battery Cable - ReplacementIFly Battery Cable - Replacement