iOS 9.1 - iFly GPS for iPad - iFly EFB

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly GPS for iP...iFly GPS for iP...iOS 9.1iOS 9.1
New Post
10/23/2015 11:05 PM

Is it safe to upgrade to 9.1? I sure don;t want to blow up iFly on this tablet (iPad Mini on 8.4.1)!

New Post
10/23/2015 11:33 PM

I'm running IOS 9.0.1 with no problems on my IPad Mini 4. I've been holding off on 9.1 because of some negatives I read about it. I haven't researched it lately.

New Post
10/24/2015 7:29 AM

I've been testing 9.1 beta for the past month or so, just put my iPhone 6+ and iPad Mini on production iOS 9.1 and have found no new bugs related to iOS 9.1 so far.

I usually like to recommend waiting a week or two after a iOS release. I feel it's a safe upgrade, however if you have a critical flight, I'd hold off just to be on the safer side. The iOS 9.1 release fixed many bugs with my devices outside of iFly GPS, and so far I can't see any negative impact of iOS 9.1 on the iFly GPS app.

As always, upgrade at your own risk. As each device and installed apps and can react differently.

Shane Woodson
Vice President | Adventure Pilot LLC.
New Post
10/24/2015 1:48 PM

Thanks - I'll wait a month or so then. Apple is now resembling Windows in the early days . . .

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