is anyone pro moving to facebook? - iFly General Discussions

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General anyone pro moving to facebook?is anyone pro moving to facebook?
New Post
11/18/2021 4:32 PM

title says it all - who all here is excited about the move?

i killed the old thread because of a lot of non-constructive posts. 

New Post
11/18/2021 4:47 PM

Not me. After 10+ years on the forum. 

New Post
11/18/2021 4:55 PM

I prefer this format.

New Post
11/18/2021 5:57 PM

I would have to say this format is much easier to use. Trying to find and keep up with a thread on a technical issue or usage question is much harder on FB's linear posting method. FB is OK for social posts, but for technical support this this forum format is hands down easier to follow.



New Post
11/18/2021 6:46 PM

Unless you have not been around the media lately, it is not called Facebook anymore.  It is called Meta Platforms.  The major real reason for the name change was because of all the bad press FB has gotten, and it appears Congress wants to rein in FB/Meta Platforms for all the reported bad things about the company. I have never used FB for all the reasons espoused in the media and in Congressional testimoney. For me, lack of privacy is the big issue with FB/Meta.  If IFly wants to go to FB/Meta, then I am afraid they will lose people and customers which is IFly's perrogative, but beware.

Dick Welsh

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General anyone pro moving to facebook?is anyone pro moving to facebook?