My final post - iFly General Discussions - iFly EFB

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New Post
5/25/2019 9:34 PM
We (my airplane partner and I) sold our Glasair yesterday.

I cried.

(I suppose this is what it's like for a dad to give away his daughter in marriage. I've got 34 years of my life - just more than half of my life now - babying her.)

Wise King Solomon said that there was a time for everything. It's time for me. I'm giving up flying now.

Without an airplane, and without a Stratux (the buyer asked if he could have my Stratux as part of the deal), I expect that I won't be using iFly anymore.

So I expect this is my last post.

As I depart, I want to formally thank both Brian and Walter for their exceptional - and unusual - openness in accepting ideas for improvements from users. It has been rewarding to see some of my ideas being incorporated in the product. I've enjoyed being allowed to be part of the "team."

P.S. The buyer had ForeFlight. I can't figure out why everyone thinks it's so great. I didn't find it ergonomic at all.

New Post
5/25/2019 9:46 PM

Awww Mike, this is not good news for the iFly community.  Your presence and input here on the forums have been one of the constant factors in making iFly as great as it is.  Please reconsider and don't let your wisdom and knowledge go by the wayside.  I'd gladly pay your subscription fees to keep you onboard the forums.

New Post
5/25/2019 10:01 PM


I agree with Mike and hope that you will re-consider your decision to depart the iFly forum.  Your insightful end user perspectives, technical know-how, software user interface design insights, and your kind, considerate feedback style are irreplaceable.  I have been quietly admiring your input for years and have been influenced by your comments.  I hope you will find a way to stay on the IFly team!

Jim Brown

New Post
5/25/2019 10:09 PM

Wow Ergo, my heart just lurched in my chest.  I'm sure it was a hard decision to make, but we'll all get there and hopefully make the right choice someday.  So congrats on that!  But please feel free to stay active with arm-chair flying, and contributing your ideas.  You've provided so much insightfull and valuable input.  And the next 18 months is going to be super exciting from a dev perspective.  

Walter Boyd
President, Adventure Pilot
New Post
5/26/2019 12:40 AM
I'm sorry to see you go Mike. I have enjoyed reading about your ideas for improvements to iFly GPS and agreed with you on many, if not most of them. At 71 years of age, I have decided to hang up my wings and have been trying to break this flying habit for the past 6 months after 55 years of flying.
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