General purpose Split Screen mode, allowing for simultaneous VFR

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-ListGeneral purpose Split Screen mode, allowing for simultaneous VFR & Vector for instance.General purpose Split Screen mode, allowing for simultaneous VFR & Vector for instance.
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5/31/2018 10:16 PM

This has been requested a lot over the years since I started using iFly.  Here are a couple of my personal use cases for this.  There were two split screen combinations I loved on my old long defunct Lowrance.  The first was a split of (i) map view and (ii) profile view.  This was awesome as I approached complex airspace or coming back to Hartford where I wanted to watch my decent in profile view to see that I would clear the ridge and get under an airspace shelf etc.  Really let me manage a decent. The second one I really liked was just two maps (i) One at normal en-route zoom range and (ii) the second zoomed in on the destination airport so that I could see the runways with my course line coming into it to help picture in advance how I'd manage my arrival to unfamiliar airports and runways;

Another very old wish list item that's been hanging out there a long time - a way to fly a radial from a VOR such that it sends that as the course in the NMEA output.  i.e. how to intersect or track an outbound radial (not specifically to a waypoint) and feed that to the autopilot.

Anyway, I'd like to add my voice to the split screen idea :-)  

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-ListGeneral purpose Split Screen mode, allowing for simultaneous VFR & Vector for instance.General purpose Split Screen mode, allowing for simultaneous VFR & Vector for instance.