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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AFlight plan total mileage questionFlight plan total mileage question
New Post
8/18/2022 7:08 AM



Thanks for all your help.  The pic shows the total on the bottom.  Not even close and different from the previous flight plan that had fewer waypoints.

New Post
8/18/2022 9:14 AM

I found a power supply and fired up my 720 to try to follow in your footsteps.  One thing I noticed is that my flight plan display looks different from yours.  What version of iFly are you running?  (Menu > About > Version and Contact).  Mine is running 11.1.22c (5/24/2022)

I don't know your whole flight plan, but I created this one:  KCLW > MONIA > LEEAH > CRESI > CYN > KMJX, and the distances look reasonable.  Here's what the end of my plan looks like compared to yours:

New Post
8/18/2022 9:18 AM

Looking at the math on your screen for the portion of your flight plan that's visible, the mileages match mine and it all adds up.  Are you able to start at the beginning of your plan and go step by step to identify at what point the numbers don't make sense, either because iFly has misidentified the mileage, or performed an addition error?

From what I see in your screen shot, I would have just guessed your plan didn't actually start at CLW, but rather at a point only 252 miles from MJX.  I think you said you included fuel stops.  Is iFly resetting the total miles to 0 at your intermediate landing point(s)?  (My version of iFly doesn't do that, but maybe older versions did?)

New Post
8/18/2022 6:59 PM


Seems like we're running the same version...11.1.22c (5/24/2022).  From the last fuel stop (KMFV) it's 154.5nm to the destination...not 252nm.

New Post
8/18/2022 9:44 PM

Hah--okay, yeah, I missed that.

The weird thing is, if you look at my screenshot, I don't even *have* that extra line.  That's why I thought we might be running a different version.

At first I thought maybe that extra line was some kind of weird display rendering error...like maybe you had a previous FP that added up to those numbers and somehow when the FP got modified, that line of numbers just stuck around in error.  But it's not that simple, because the numbers don't seem to make sense anyway--if you can fly 155 nm in an hour and a half, it shouldn't take you 8 hours to fly 250 miles....



HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AFlight plan total mileage questionFlight plan total mileage question