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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsADS-B Discussio...ADS-B Discussio...TSO skyBeacon - Certified AircraftTSO skyBeacon - Certified Aircraft
New Post
8/13/2018 6:31 PM

Question, when you pre-order the Tail Beacon, are you paying the full amount upfront?  Or do you pay when ready to ship?

New Post
8/14/2018 12:32 PM

Up front, our payment system doesn't let us pre-authorize charges for delayed processing.

New Post
8/19/2018 7:10 PM


I saw where Garmin is suing this company for a patent/ copyright infringement.  Apparently, this innovation presents a threat to Garmin and could possibly put a tiny dent in Garmin's vast market share.

I am no legal expert, but I fear this might radically affect the SkyBeacon and the future of this innovative company.

Can anyone speak to the potentials or propensities of this lawsuit? 

I'll try to find the verbiage in the suit, but might require a person trained in legal matters to decipher.


Mike N714AJ

New Post
8/19/2018 7:19 PM


See above post, and then click link if you wish to read the entire lawsuit by GARMIN....hope it works for you.

I am not enough of an expert to discern if this is legitimate or if this is just Garmin trying to put the kibosh on an up and coming competitor...

Bottom Line: if the SkyBeacon is stopped, a lot of us are just going to further delay implementation of adsb out.

This is not good for flight safety, situational awareness or legal compliance....time will tell.

Things like this happening is why so many of us are on the fence...we cannot afford to do this twice!

Mike Marra, N714AJ (Cessna 150M, 1977)

New Post
8/19/2018 8:15 PM

Only a court will determine if this is patent infringement or not.  Another alternative would be the two companies could come to some agreement to settle out of court.  If I owned an airplane, I would not purchase a product from a company who was being sued for patent infringement.  Companies must protect their patents and intellectual property, etc.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsADS-B Discussio...ADS-B Discussio...TSO skyBeacon - Certified AircraftTSO skyBeacon - Certified Aircraft