Re-Booting STRATUX in flight? - ADS-B Discussions - iFly EFB

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsADS-B Discussio...ADS-B Discussio...Re-Booting STRATUX in flight?Re-Booting STRATUX in flight?
New Post
9/7/2018 10:10 AM

Anything's possible, but those antennas are pretty rugged. What's the management page telling you?

To your other question, that page is also how you install .sh updates, but you can't flash full .img files from the web interface.

New Post
9/27/2018 6:43 AM

So, in the end...

1. We had to go in and tighten the connections to the antennas, etc.

2. We had to re-flash the primary and backup cards...all working well now.

Just odd how this is about the 3rd time we've had to do this....and I am super-careful about shutting the stratux down through the commands on Ifly.  I never just pull the power.

Anyway, I will try to refrain from ever doing a re-boot while flying - somewhat distracting.

Mike N714AJ

New Post
9/28/2018 6:02 PM
I just cloned 3 new micro SD cards with my Stratux software, one for the Stratux, one for my flight bag, and one to leave at home. I think I'm covered.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsADS-B Discussio...ADS-B Discussio...Re-Booting STRATUX in flight?Re-Booting STRATUX in flight?