Re-Booting STRATUX in flight? - ADS-B Discussions - iFly EFB

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsADS-B Discussio...ADS-B Discussio...Re-Booting STRATUX in flight?Re-Booting STRATUX in flight?
New Post
9/3/2018 11:01 AM


Last night had trouble getting my ADSB (STRATUX) to see is what was on the screen when I checked.

Is this normal or would anyone recommnend doing something to the card? System?  Everything else checked OK.

Got home and tried it in the yard - same thing. I would see traffic for a bit, then it would drop off...and nothing.

I live in a place where a lot of airliners fly over, so in a one hour period there would be 5-10 ADSB out equipped planes flying over...

Thanks - Mike N714AJ


New Post
9/4/2018 4:14 PM

Since you can replicate this on the ground, if you go to the Stratux's management page, and the Traffic tab, do you see targets listed under "ADS-B and TIS-B Traffic"?

Also, what's the red light on your Stratux doing while you're seeing traffic, vs. when you're not?

New Post
9/4/2018 4:39 PM
Mike -
I am no expert but from what I can decipher from looking at your Stratux ADS-B Status page is all systems seem to be working properly (as indicated by the red check marks) but your system is not receiving any ADS-B information - no Towers are seen, which is why you aren't receiving any TIS-B Traffic or FIS-B WX/NOTAM info. From what I've read, you cannot receive these signals while the receiver is at ground level - you need to be airborne with at least 1,000' - 1,500' AGL and within broadcast range of an ADS-B tower to receive. If you were in the air when you took the screen shot, I would start by troubleshooting the antenna connections - make sure they are properly secured with tight connections and verify the 2 antennas are attached to their proper ports (1090 antenna into the 1090 connector, 978 antenna into the 978 connector). Another thought is maybe you need to reflash the Stratux's memory card?
Here is a link to a Stratux manual that might help with some other tips:
I hope this helps,
New Post
9/7/2018 6:34 AM

Shuan, I am getting the green light - ops normal.

Is there a way for the antennas to be damaged or become inop? Mine have become slightly bent...not sure if that is a factor.

Mike N714AJ

New Post
9/7/2018 6:36 AM


I may need to reflash is right...will try one more time.

Thanks for the link.

Last time I used "Etcher" to reflash and while it worked, it was somewhat cumbersome.

Is there a way to reflash the tiny chip while it is still in the Stratux box?  I seem to remember someone posting that but cannot remember where it is now.

Thanks. Mike N714AJ

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