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New Post
12/31/2011 6:18 PM

Hi Walter and everyone! I was snooping a bit earlier about the analog gauges and then stumbled upon Walter's comment that some form of AHRS was being prototyped. This got me to snooping even more, and I ran across several companies that manufacture tiny AHRS 3x 3-axis systems. One that caught my eye was the Mongoose. This device could fit inside the iFly, or could be offered as an external box, connected via USB. The price is right, and the performance is fantastic. I hope Walter is examining the possibilities of something like this! The iFly would then be absolutely untouchable in the under $5K market. EFIS and AHRS systems using MEMS type sensors are very expensive and usually out of reach for most of us "common" people. Integration into the iFly of this board could do miracles!


New Post
1/3/2012 2:24 PM

Yep, this and other devices like it are on our radar. You wouldn't want the chip inside the iFly though...needs to be external. Otherwise couldn't mount it on a yoke or knee-board, etc. The software to make it work in a plane is quite tricky though. A company called LEVIL has a production device for $800 that we will make compatible with the iFly. We hope to have our own AHRS device as well sometime.


Walter Boyd
President, Adventure Pilot
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