labels on screen border, filter adsb msgs - iFly Wish-List

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-Listlabels on screen border, filter adsb msgslabels on screen border, filter adsb msgs
New Post
8/28/2018 1:15 PM

1.  i'd like to see the gps body have labels permanently printed that align with the zoom +, -, map, nearest, etc....

2. be able to switch off the acknowledge adsb msgs.  foreflight doesn't reqr this step, ESPECIALLY the adsb tower idle msg!!!!!!

3. you could print adhesive labels for those who request them, rather than us using masking tape [and explaining to friends the design flaw]

New Post
8/28/2018 9:34 PM

> 1.  i'd like to see the gps body have labels permanently printed that align with the zoom +, -, map, nearest, etc.... 1.  i'd like to see the gps body have labels permanently printed that align with the zoom +, -, map, nearest, etc....

I made a label that I overlayed with clear tape so it doesn't get dirty as easy. 

> 3. you could print adhesive labels for those who request them, rather than us using masking tape [and explaining to friends the design flaw]

They probably could print them, but they'd end up costing way more than just printing them yourself.  I don't consider it an iFly design flaw, the function, location of the buttons may change in the future, both the permanent etched iFly's and the labels you purchased would be out of date.  I like the buttons fading, lets me see more of the screen.  If you want the buttons to be always present: Menu>Setup>Screen/Audio Settings>Button Fading, then choose "Off", or whatever other option you want. 



New Post
8/29/2018 2:42 PM
I don't have an iFly device, so I don't understand the issue. I use an iPad Mini 4 that doesn't have permanent labels either. Personally, I don't like the button fading, so I turn it off.
New Post
8/29/2018 3:50 PM

It's not really a big deal.  The iPad only has a (mostly) unused border on the bottom (portrait) or one side (landscape), but the iFly has a ~1/2" unused border all the way around.  Putting the labels on, like I did, lets me have the buttons fade, giving me more screen real estate, while using the, until now, unused border to remind me what, and where the buttons are.  The iPad also has a larger screen, making the space the non-fading buttons take up less of an issue. 

I haven't noticed the ADS-B messages, so they mustn't be a big deal to me either.


New Post
8/29/2018 6:17 PM

We didn't make anything permanent on the bezel for 2 main reasons. The first is that you can orient the iFly units in 3 different directions, so the landscape layout wouldn't line up with with units in either portrait mode and would look sloppy and confusing for those pilots. Secondly, that would lock us into a menu button layout permanently and prevent us from making new features accessible directly from the map. You'll notice such a change to the buttons when 10.3 launches in a few days.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-Listlabels on screen border, filter adsb msgslabels on screen border, filter adsb msgs