1. Weather Information - Winds does not have a date/time indication.
2. Date/time stamp for TAF and METARs don't seem to be correct. I got ADS-B data for NEXTRAD and other data at KDCA while in my car . Went home and after 3 hours of receiving the ADS-B weather data from my Skyradar-L, I turned the iFly 700 back on.
The "Weather Reports (TAF)" (also the METAR) says: 1 nm, 1714Z (-1 mins), KDCA xxxx but the current time is 1:21 PM EDT or 1721 Z but my iFly 700 is not connected to my Skyradar-L and hasn't been connected for 3 hours.
3. When looking at the animated NEXTRAD weather, the airport weather indications (VFR, IFR, Low IFR blue and pink color circles) obstruct the weather (clouds, rain, etc.). Request an option to remove the airport weather indications and just see the NEXTRAD weather.
4. When looking at the animated NEXTRAD weather, the annotation at the top of the ring that tells the last reception time of the data is obscured by the airport weather circles and the weather (clouds, rain, etc.). It would be good (for me) to know the times for each animated weather snapshot or frame.
S. Morgan