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New Post
4/19/2015 5:48 PM

Any plans to add MoGas prices to the map? Right now our choices are JetA and 100LL.



New Post
4/19/2015 6:08 PM
Good idea, Robert. I'll be finished with my homebuilt experimental in a couple of more years and I'll be wanting to know where to find mogas. I'm not sure if the FAA tracks mogas locations but you can find them on the internet. - Jim Williams
New Post
4/20/2015 8:18 PM


We actually have only a few MoGas prices, but they are so limited, that we are not including them as this point. If we can get more MoGas prices, I'm sure Walter would consider adding to the feature. We've discuss a pilot reporting tool for the future that would help accelerate this as well. Stay tuned.

Shane Woodson
Vice President | Adventure Pilot LLC.
New Post
5/6/2015 2:01 PM
I don't know about you guys and I do know that 100LL and compete??, but I use for flight planning for fuel stops and a lot more. I also compare those fuel stops with 100LL ON IFLY-GPS and I also use Seattle Avionics Voyager (lifetime member) flight planner as well;it works. does have MOGAS if that airfield reports it. There is a web site called that you can add MOGAS fuel stations be it for automotive or airfields. I also call the airfields for direct info as well. For example, Boone, IA has a fuel price (100LL) that does not list a 10% discount for paying with green cash! The only way you can have guaranteed MOGAS prices is if airfields participate within the program, or if you as a consumer report MOGAS availability (no-ethanol)and octane fuel station or airfield to 100LL does not participate with MOGAS at least that I know of.
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