iPad iFly app and XGPS190 connection - iFly GPS for iPad

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1/24/2016 1:04 PM

I purchased the Dual XGPS190 upon release and attempted to test the GPS with the iFly app yesterday. The connection was terribly unstable. I was unable to link any actions or other running apps that contributed. It was very difficult to even get iFly to recognize the XGPS as a device even in the Dual App was showing GPS connectivity. I utilized the ADS-B Connected devices option to connect without consistent success.

I was bluetooth connected to my Bose A20 headset but no other devices. It appeared at one time I was connected and when I switched music on to the headset, the iFly app again lost connection.

Anyone else using this yet and seeing any difficulty? I have yet to run it on my android device.

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